Challenges to be met

Have you experienced any of these problems?

  • Do you reach your production targets?
  • Is skilled labor becoming more challenging to find?
  • Are you notified when your unattended process stops?
  • Can you measure your progress once a change is implemented?
  • Can you compare quoted times and actual run times?
  • Are you having trouble with manually entering data into your ERP or MES?
  • Do your operators know what tasks are coming up for them?

Curious to know how we can support you in addressing those issues?

Contact us

Solutions for everyone...

Atsora Tracking offers customizable features based on user preferences, ensuring you receive only the information that is relevant to you.

  ... for the managers

  • 72 available reports
  • PowerBI connection
  • Live dashboards featuring KPIs and real-time production metrics
  • Auto-reason module to classify the machine stop times
  • Alerts per e-mail / sms
  • Dynamic groups of machines

  ... for the operators

  • Dynamic time before the next stop of the machine
  • Dynamic time before the next tool changes
  • Machine alarms, stack lights
  • Number of produced parts
  • Interfaces to classify the machine stops

  ... for the maintenance

  • Structuration of the machine alarms
  • Reports with the alarm details and their frequency
  • Live dashboard of the machines with a mechanical problem
  • Remote alarm viewing
  • Alerts per e-mail / sms

Solutions for every industry

Adaptable for your industry

Whether you work with small or large series for small or large parts, Atsora Tracking provides customized solutions for your needs.

Automotive & Agriculture

Atsora Tracking offers advanced solutions for monitoring large-scale production processes and automated assembly lines.

Aerospace & Defense

Monitor the progress of lengthy manufacturing processes.

Keep tabs on the production times for specific components.

Molds & Casting dies

Detect automatically what jobs is active
and get their running time

Jewelry & Watchmaking

Detect the active jobs.
Count the number of produce parts automatically.

Medical devices

Track when and on which machine a specific device was run.


Specific applications for long run processes.

Highly modular

Atsora Tracking customizes to fit your unique needs.

Modular software

185 available plugins

Design your own web pages

Create your own unique websites using our interactive web elements.

Detect automatically the active operations

5 available methods to detect the active operation.

Detect automatically the machining cycles

Several methods to detect the machining cycles and the part count.

ERP and MES connection

Ensure the accuracy of your ERP and MES data and integrate them with Atsora Tracking.

Unlock the potential of your machines

Join us and boost the productivity of your machining operations.